Sunday, September 28, 2008


So this past week has been so busy. We got home from vacation on Monday and have been doing things nonstop since. We hit Friday and realized how tired we really are. It was Iowa's homecoming this weekend so we went to the parade on Friday night and then went to the football game on Saturday. We had plans for Sunday but decided that needed to be our day of rest. Nora and Molly got in our bed Sunday morning and I laid down with them....then Brian caught us and we had to get ready for church. We had a fun Sunday hanging out as a family, and doing nothing.

In church this morning we sang the song "How Great is our God" and I thought about how wonderful it is to have my husband and two girls and how great is God that he has given our family so many blessings. We finished the series in Romans at church today and was challenged to think about how we don't always have to understand why God does the things that he does but we do need to trust that what his is doing is right and we are blessed to be part of his kingdom.


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