Thursday, April 8, 2010

Our many Easter egg hunts!

This year the girls got lucky and got to do three different Easter egg hunts (plus the one in North Liberty that was just the candy free for all!). It started on Friday with a small scale egg hunt at our house with Lori and Deb and then Cash and Ellie. We had a new friend Melanie join us with her daughter as well. It was the "little" kids egg hunt. Brian hid the eggs in our yard for us. Then on Saturday we went to the Schaeckenbach's house down the street for a neighborhood Easter party. The Schaeckenbachs are moving so this is the last year for the party. The girls loved it! Above is a picture of Nora doing the three legged race with Annie (the tallest and the shortest kids:) Then Sunday afternoon we went to Kalona to Marv and Pauletts and they did an egg hunt for us. There are some more cute pictures of that I will post. Molly became and expert at opening the eggs and eating out the candy!!
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